International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL) is celebrating 25 years as a Christian missional movement!

We invite you to browse our website to learn more about our worldwide family advancing the Kingdom of God in ministry and the marketplace!


ICAL MasterBuilders Global Gathering is set for November 10-14, 2025, in Dallas, Texas!

This is when the global ICAL members and guests gather for ACCESS · EXPOSURE · DIALOGUE with other apostolic leaders and emerging leaders to hear Kingdom wisdom, strategies, and testimonies about advancing the Kingdom of God. See this website to learn more about ICAL and order the 2024 Global Gathering with over 25 hours of apostolic impartation! Click to Order the Stand Strong 360 Recordings!

Interested in ICAL Membership?  Click here.


How ICAL became an End-time movement of god!

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Mark w. pfeifer and john p. Kelly

John P. Kelly and Mark W. Pfeifer Co-Convene ICAL

Since 2010, John P. Kelly has been the International Convenor for ICAL. In 2021, Mark W. Pfeifer was commissioned as the Co-Convenor during the Annual ICAL MasterBuilders Global Gathering. 

ICAL’s mission is to provide our members ACCESS to other Apostolic Leaders worldwide, EXPOSURE to Kingdom ideas, strategies and procedures successfully implemented by other Apostolic Leaders around the world, and DIALOGUE with other members in a global conversation. If you are an apostolic leader or an emerging apostolic leader, we invite you to review what ICAL membership has to offer.

Please review this website and if you would like more information, please contact ICAL.

Disclaimer: International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL) is a private membership non-profit corporation designed to serve its apostolic members and provide general information for potential members. ICAL assumes no responsibility, liability or guarantee of accuracy or the ‘final word’ on any information, teachings, or opinions expressed in any format including the official website, conferences and seminars, publications or otherwise. It is not to be considered the ‘perfect’ or ‘total’ word or revelation on the subject of the apostolic or apostolic movement. ICAL encourages individuals to seek other sources of information and not rely on ICAL as a complete source of apostolic information.