International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL) is celebrating 25 years as a Christian missional movement!
We invite you to browse our website to learn more about our worldwide family advancing the Kingdom of God in ministry and the marketplace!
ICAL MasterBuilders Global Gathering is set for November 10-14, 2025, in Dallas, Texas!
This is when the global ICAL members and guests gather for ACCESS · EXPOSURE · DIALOGUE with other apostolic leaders and emerging leaders to hear Kingdom wisdom, strategies, and testimonies about advancing the Kingdom of God. See this website to learn more about ICAL and order the 2024 Global Gathering with over 25 hours of apostolic impartation! Click to Order the Stand Strong 360 Recordings!
Interested in ICAL Membership? Click here.
In 2024, Gary and Kim Carter were commissioned as Ambassadors to represent ICAL’s mission and vision to ICAL leaders in Europe…
The Annual MasterBuilders Global Gathering was a huge success! People from dozens of nations gathered in Dallas…
Prasad Rao, ICAL Convenor for the Nation of India, along with three apostolic leaders from India, reports after attending the Stand Strong Global Gathering…
Dan Juster, ICAL member in Israel, sends this Pray Alert today! Please continue to pray for our government here in Israel. The level of conflict is the most intense…
Woody Bloc, the ICAL Convenor for Sri Lanka shares the latest news from Sri Lanka…
Prasad Rao gives Glory to God in this amazing report of the expansion of the Kingdom of God in India!
Generational thinking or momentum begins with the health and vision of the parents’ hearts
Apostle Phil Spence, founder of Enlarj (formerly Jabez Mission) and School of the Kingdom, is an internationally recognized apostle with a worldwide network…
While we may be reasonably comfortable with the first 5 concepts, we may find the next five to be beyond the usual concept of how Kingdom people work
ICAL India Convenor Prasad Rao and Synod Of Telangana have started the 'Light Up Telangana' initiative...
Apostle Paul and his entire testimony of a life of hardship and danger in following Christ. In 2 Corinthians 11:16-33, Paul lists…
In recent years there has been much discussion about the Kingdom of God and His Church. Some people have said that they are two different things. Others have asked if the church…
How does one find what God wants them to become an expert in amidst a jungle of social problems?…
Apostle Jean-Marc Potenti leads the ICAL National Coalition for France as well as many Francophone (French-speaking) nations throughout African such as: Algeria, Benin…
you are well-positioned spiritually, to hear new things from the Spirit of the Lord? Be prepared to hear new things…
The restoration of apostolic ministry to the church should touch on three areas that we clearly see are affected by the apostolic anointing in the early church…
The Africa Haguruka 25th Annual Conference in Kigali, Rwanda was a great success. Samual Hayes reports from his experience as a speaker along with several other ICAL members...
One of the key issues for Kingdom advancement in the earth is the synergistic partnership between apostles and prophets….
Throughout the world, we feel tensions rising as winds increase and the skies overhead turn ominously dark...
…Apostolic-type churches reaching young adults and developing compassionate and evangelistic missions in their localities will have expansive growth….
This book examines and defines social movements and how the Apostolic Movement and ICAL align with this description…
Was Moses Strategic or Tactical? What are you? Strategic apostles will deploy tactical apostles and…
The Lord Jesus spoke 3 words to me that are now requiring an apostolic response for the church…
To be an apostolic leader, one must have a fertile mind and heart to receive the seed of God's Word and will for their life…
There is a spectrum between vulnerability and strength where leaders must find balance. I’ve called this The Transparency Spectrum. Optimum leadership…
I’m not much into formulas when it comes to spiritual things, but what I read in Leviticus 9:23-24 did get me thinking…
Apostles are builders! All of them! They build churches, ministries, systems, organizations, institutions, and businesses…but most of all, they build people!
While there are many qualities of leadership that are helpful and necessary in the execution of our callings, here are six that I believe are indispensable
About 12 years ago, I learned several vital lessons about leadership and how we build relationships…
In today's results-oriented world, the Performance Trap is one of the greatest dangers for today’s church leaders. It doesn’t help that we live in the …
People say you can’t change the past – but I disagree. You can change the past by redefining it. Jesus did this the night he was betrayed. He knew who…
Recently, I was on a call with an ICAL member who I have known for several years. He named four or five pioneers in the apostolic/prophetic movement…
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Mark w. pfeifer and john p. Kelly
John P. Kelly and Mark W. Pfeifer Co-Convene ICAL
Since 2010, John P. Kelly has been the International Convenor for ICAL. In 2021, Mark W. Pfeifer was commissioned as the Co-Convenor during the Annual ICAL MasterBuilders Global Gathering.
ICAL’s mission is to provide our members ACCESS to other Apostolic Leaders worldwide, EXPOSURE to Kingdom ideas, strategies and procedures successfully implemented by other Apostolic Leaders around the world, and DIALOGUE with other members in a global conversation. If you are an apostolic leader or an emerging apostolic leader, we invite you to review what ICAL membership has to offer.
Please review this website and if you would like more information, please contact ICAL.
Disclaimer: International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL) is a private membership non-profit corporation designed to serve its apostolic members and provide general information for potential members. ICAL assumes no responsibility, liability or guarantee of accuracy or the ‘final word’ on any information, teachings, or opinions expressed in any format including the official website, conferences and seminars, publications or otherwise. It is not to be considered the ‘perfect’ or ‘total’ word or revelation on the subject of the apostolic or apostolic movement. ICAL encourages individuals to seek other sources of information and not rely on ICAL as a complete source of apostolic information.
Phil Spence and Dr. Pitchou forming apostolic coalition in Namibia, along with the School of the Kingdom Global…