God’s Plan and Our Response by Paul Botha

When the Coronavirus was unleashed across the earth, the Lord Jesus spoke 3 words to me that are now requiring an apostolic response for the church. These words were not chronological, because they are timeless and they are the direct outcomes of a life lived with God’s Kingdom as our primary priority.

 Most apostolically configured people were already deep in God’s processes and leadership, so for them the adjustments have been less critical and chaotic. However, for the majority of the church who are not yet apostolically configured and for the general population, God’s plans brought about a need to respond in step with His Spirit. Each word God spoke has layers of meaning and implications. They all require a response that is in alignment with the culture of His Kingdom.

 1. Reset 

Klaus Schwabb’s ‘Great Reset’ is Satan’s counterfeit response to God’s plan. God’s throne is established on righteousness and justice and the stench of the all-pervasive corruption in our Western System (including: government, business, education, health, finance, media and entertainment) has reached heaven. God is going to execute His Plan of Reset, where the foundations of righteousness are re-established in Western Civilisation. He will expose the many layers of corruption and criminality, the lies and deceit that allow people to get “ahead”.

His light is breaking in through the darkness and if he has to detonate to renovate, then so be it. If entire columns of our culture have to come down to rid us of the rot of corruption, then come down they must. Here is a trustworthy proverb that explains the lengths to which God will go:

 Proverbs 22:22-23 NIV 22 Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court,23 for the LORD will take up their case and will exact life for life.

Our Response:  

We are truth-tellers. Pulpits must become the megaphone of truth. The Church must become the Light-Bearers of Truth again. The public square must hear everyday Christians heralding the truth again. Truth is not a concept that you can argue with, he is a person: Jesus Christ. We must be reset to reclaim the courage, conviction and world transforming power found in the truth of Jesus Christ. There is a war being waged for which truth will emerge and claim victory tomorrow. The ultimate victory is in Jesus Christ, but we must be reset into revolutionary fighters. I am not talking about wrestling with flesh and blood, I am talking about winning the battles of the Spiritual realm and holding the line until it manifests on earth. Just as a generation fought to overturn Roe V Wade, so our generation must take up the battle cry for truth in every mountain of culture!

 2. Reposition 

Wandering the Wilderness was not Moses’ choice of sphere of influence. Egypt was not Joseph’s choice of sphere of influence. Babylon was not Daniel’s choice of sphere of influence. The Philistines were not David’s choice of sphere of influence. The Gentiles were not Paul’s choice of sphere of influence. All of the heroes of the faith were repositioned by God and they were willing to remain in position because they had experienced the reality of pressing into that which had taken hold of them (see Phil 3:12).

My observation of this generation of church-goer is that we have grown too comfortable to be effective. We pursue our comfort over His calling. We no longer yearn for God’s will, instead we demand God’s blessings. Over the past 40 years of church life, I have heard the cry change from “God, what is your will?” to “God, please pay my bill”. We must be repositioned to the posture of the courageous servant. One who is willing to go anywhere, do anything, say everything… a Son who has taken up their cross. And so God helps us, by allowing a financial reset to propel us out of our comfort and into a position where we are willing to respond to His calling.

Our Response:

If you are already in position, exactly where God has called you to be, then Hallelujah, you’re ready to reign and rule. However, if there is any doubt, or if change is in the air, then do not harden your heart, do not get stiff-necked and stubborn. The battlefront of your assignment is the most intense environment of your life. If you’re to be effective in your assignment, then you must be reset in your heart.

We live for His glory and for the reward of eternity.

We leave a legacy and blessings for our children and grand-children.

We empty ourselves so that only He can be seen and heard through us.

We hide ourselves in Him, so that He is made famous.

If you’ve been repositioned and carry this kind of heart for our Lord and King, then we will see foundation-shaping changes.  

3. Reap

We are living in History’s greatest redistribution of God’s wealth. Wicked men are trying to grab as much money as they can, so that they can buy power and influence. They believe that it is theirs, that somehow through their cunning and deceit, they are entitled to it. God laughs at them. Psalm 24 tells us that it all belongs to God. There is nothing on this planet that is not under the direct ownership of our Great God. God’s laws will prevail over all economies. Sowing and reaping, caring for widows and orphans, laying up an inheritance for generations, governing in righteousness, blessings for obedience and practising generosity, are the practices that God approves of and blesses.

He will give more seed to these sowers. Nations will rise to prominence when they honour the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Families will be established in prosperity, when they build according to Kingdom principles.  For many in the church who still struggle with the most basic concept of tithing, they are going to miss out on God’s redistribution of wealth from the wicked to the righteous. The call to lift up eyes and grow up into full stewardship is ringing out in this hour.

Our Response:

We must understand the temporariness of this world’s treasures. We must understand the nature of the Abrahamic Covenant, that we are blessed to give, sow and go. We must not make reaping wealth and influence the goal, but see it as simply the vehicle for driving transformation. We must appreciate the financial cost to achieving transformation. It will cost billions to re-educate a generation in the ways of God, or to restructure governments to operate in righteousness, or to solve generational poverty in regions, or to create new platforms of influence and entertainment to broadcast God’s truth. If we understand that we are being called to steward our portion of this great transformation, then there are no limits to what we can reap. I pray that these words will resonate in your heart and that you will be a part of God’s

Kingdom being manifested in our day.

 © 2022 Paul Botha (Perth, Australia)