ICAL special reservations rate with the Hyatt Regency DFW includes full breakfast each day of your stay.

ICAL room rates are good 3 days before and after Nov. 11-15, 2024

Hyatt Regency is located at Terminal C at the DFW Airport. Free Shuttle included to all terminals within the DFW Airport.

Nov. 11: Registration opens at 1:00 PM Special Meetings begin 4:00 PM Monday (Agenda will be posted closer to the event).

Nov. 12 - 14 Tuesday - Thursday: 8:45AM - 10:00 PM each day. General Sessions and Workshop Breakouts. (Buffet Lunch included with registration) The conference ends at 10:00 PM Thursday night

Nov. 15: Special members by invitation.

Speaker Agenda will be posted closer to the event.

Disclaimer: The International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL) is a private membership organization designed to serve its apostolic members and provide general information for potential members. ICAL assumes no responsibility, liability, or guarantee of accuracy or the ‘final word’ on any information, teachings, or opinions expressed in any format, including the official website, conferences and seminars, publications, or otherwise. It is not to be considered the ‘perfect’ or ‘total’ word or revelation on the subject of the apostolic or apostolic movement. ICAL encourages individuals to seek other sources of information and not rely on ICAL as a complete source of apostolic information.