Bolivian Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (BCAL)
Apostle Alberto Magno, Convenor
Apostle alberto magno
Apostles Alberto and Gladys Magno lead Primera Iglesia church in Santa Cruz De La Sierra, Bolivia. The church grew from 450 to over 10,000 people when they made the strategic change in how the congregation would reach out to the people of Santa Cruz and even relate to one another. He adopted a new model of ‘twelve’, based on forming cell groups of twelve people, each with a dedicated leader trained to care for twelve followers of Jesus. Apostolic relationships formed with other leaders in Bolivia and other nations. He is closely related to Apostle Rene Terranova and the ICEJ work in Israel lead by Apostle Jurgen Buhler.
The Coalicion Internacional de Lideres Apostolicos - Bolivia officially formed in 2014 under the leadership of Apostle Magno. By 2016 it had over 100 members and at least 75% of the members meet monthly and hold an annual meeting with all members. Click to view 2014 Fruto Fiel Celebration with 14,000 in the stadium, Apostles Magno, Rene Terranova and John P. Kelly speaking.
Un resumen de lo que fue el Fruto Fiel en la clausura de nuestro IX Congreso de Rescate "Que las Naciones te Honren" mas de 14 mil discipulos proclamando en el Estadio Real Santa Cruz, que "Bolivia es del Señor Jesús".
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