Hope Radio

Reaching 17 nations, 3.8 billion people,
approximately 48% of the world's population with a message of HOPE!

A great door of opportunity is open to spread the Word of God to billions of people! If you are a Christian minister who is interested in acquiring broadcast time to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, contact Hope Radio!

About Hope Radio

Introduction (edited) from the CEO/President of Hope Radio, Joe Perozich (ICAL member):

This broadcast company was formerly called World Harvest Radio, but the mission and foundation of LeSEA Broadcasting Palau remains the same. That mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the most populated parts of the world; snatching people out of eternal damnation and bringing them to the saving power of Jesus Christ. By the preaching of the gospel, we will be encouraging Christians in possibly the most persecuted part of the world.

This was the mission of the founder of this ministry Dr. Lester Sumrall and his son, Peter Sumrall. The only thing that has changed is who has been entrusted with the responsibility of that mission. It is with gratitude that God has allowed us to be a part of the end time harvest.

We look forward to serving you in this mission as a broadcaster or as a listener.


Joe Perozich

See below maps of Hope Radio’s reach. Contact to learn more!

The reach of Hope radio Antennas

The reach of Hope radio Antennas

Joe Perozich, CEO and President of Hope Radio with Nato Dilig

Joe Perozich, CEO and President of Hope Radio with Nato Dilig

Angel antennas reach over 3.8 billion People

Angel antennas reach over 3.8 billion People