Sri Lanka Coalition of Apostolic Leaders
Michel Dinesh-Nawala, Convenor
Michel Dinesh-Nawala
Michel Dinesh-Nawala is the Convenor for the Sri Lanka Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (SLCAL).
Apostle Dinesh-Nawala is:
The Lead Pastor, English-Speaking Congregation at Overcomers Church, Nawala, Colombo
Founder & President of Academy of Young Influences
Strategic Thought Leader, Revivalist, Certified Corporate Trainer & Life Coach
Member of International Breakthrough Ministries with Barbara Wentroble
Below: In August 2024 Convenor, Apostle Dinesh met with over 200 Pastors and Leaders in two provinces of Sri Lanka
Barbara Wentroble is the ICAL Ambassador to Sri Lanka and works closely to help strengthen apostolic leaders in the nation.
Pray for the nation! Christians are heavily persecuted for sharing the gospel in Sri Lanka, a nation of 22 million people, mostly Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims, has less than 2% believers in Jesus.
If you are interested in connecting with an ICAL National Convenor or Ambassador, please use the ICAL Contact Form.