Order the 2024 Stand Strong 360 MasterBuilders Global Gathering Recordings

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Video and Audio Recorded November 12, 13, 14, 2024. For only $129.00, you receive:

  • 47 Apostolic Leaders sharing the most relevant insights, wisdom, strategies, and empowering training.

  • You can choose from English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese language for General Session videos.

  • Bonus: Includes several audio-recorded breakout workshops (English only).

  • Bonus: Your payment provides access for a Full Year to your password-protected account, including Download ability.

All for only $129.00! Click to Order now!

We are also making the 2023 and 2022 MasterBuilders Global Gatherings available to you!

Click to purchase One or Both years

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Disclaimer: The International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL) is a private membership non-profit corporation designed to serve its apostolic members and provide general information for potential members. ICAL assumes no responsibility, liability, or guarantee of accuracy or the ‘final word’ on any information, teachings, or opinions expressed in any format, including the official website, conferences, seminars, publications, or otherwise. It is not to be considered the ‘perfect’ or ‘total’ word or revelation on the subject of the apostolic or apostolic movement. ICAL encourages individuals to seek other sources of information and not rely on ICAL as a complete source of apostolic information.