Joining ICAL is by invitation only. See ‘How to Join’ tab for details. Fees pay for the administration and communication expenses of ICAL, including access to the Members Only side of the ICAL website and other special items in production.
Fees do not include the registration for the Annual Meeting in November or for Regional or International Summits.
Annual Fees for ICAL Membership:
- United States based member’s fee: $450.00
- Married apostles combined fee: $650.00
- First Nation (American Indian) fee: $350.00
- International independent members (those not belonging to their individual country’s Apostolic Coalition) fee is: $350.00 (USD)
- Fees may be paid in two installments by check or credit card.
- Fees are renewed annually on the date first dues are accepted.
- Fees may be paid on the website store or by check (US bank only).
- * Fees do not include the registration for the Annual Meeting in November or for Regional or International Summits.
Annual Renewal: A letter for renewal fees will be sent two months prior to the annual expiration date. If the renewal is not paid by the end the fourth month into the renewal year, membership will be deactivated, including access to the member’s section of the website. There is a $50.00 reactivation fee.