CIMA Coalición Internacional Mexicana de Apóstoles

September 2024 Report by Apostle Carlos Gordillo, National Convenor for CIMA,

A small seed was sown 12 years ago through the Apostle Kelly from USA and the Apostle David from Canada in a meeting according to several Mexican Apostles who took the challenge of the Coalition in Mexico being anointed and sent your servant to the front, first is work in the Mexican Nation. The Lord Jesus Christ sent us to the 4 Americas of the continent.

Today the seed has become a World Leafy Tree, this Friday 6 September we meet 17 Nations represented forming a HISPANAMERICAN World Collegiate of the 5 Ministries: Spain, Africa, Rome, Mexico, USA, Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Honduras, United Arab Emirates, and Israel.

Forming one Body of Christ in Perfect unity where God pours out His Glory and Sends to a Worldwide Nation the Church of Jesus Christ, The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

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