Over 100,000 people reached in 8 nations!

 Alejandro Arias reports some of what the Lord has done so far in 2024.

There is one thing I can tell you: the harvest fields in Europe are white and ready for harvest. We saw the power of the Holy Spirit moving and touching people’s lives and setting them free.

There is a global crisis heating up now, just at the right time for a glorious harvest in the middle of a very urgent hour. Our generation is entering a catalyst time when God will move in a new way upon the next generation.  We just returned from a powerful European tour, where we ministered for almost a month in seven different nations. Many creative miracles occurred in those meetings, and God did incredible things, and many precious souls came to Jesus. A mighty move of the Holy Spirit was seen from the United Kingdom to Croatia, Prague, Czech Republic to Bari, Italy. In addition to visiting churches, we also had the opportunity to preach at gospel rallies from time to time.

Our vision was to have eight gospel crusades simultaneously in eight different nations, but as months went by leading up to the crusades, we saw an increase in opportunities to do more than we originally intended. We ended up doing more than 14 gospel rallies spanning from Argentina to Mexico and to the Dominican Republic!

ARGENTINA, During the week leading up to Pentecost weekend, we had three gospel crusades in Argentina where we reached and preached to over 18,000 people in three cities. Our first gospel crusade was held in Jujuy and what we witnessed there was a heavenly invasion!

The first night of Pentecost24 was AMAZING! More than 8000 people attended on a cold evening, hundreds of souls came to Jesus during the altar calls, and powerful creative healings and miracles took place. Two people left their crutches, and several of them were healed of deafness. One lady whose eardrum erupted in a previous car accident was healed by Jesus and her hearing came back. Many people were healed of chronic pains and other illnesses. Jesus’ name was exalted and glorified in the city of Jujuy on a cold evening when it was lightly raining. It was cold yet the fire of God was burning our hearts.

The third service in Argentina was an explosion of miracles! More than 150 souls came to Jesus at the Temple of Miracles in Tucumán. What a glorious night and what an amazing service. My heart was overflowing with gratitude and joy for everything the Lord did in the beautiful country of Argentina.

COLUMBIA, After a powerful time in Argentina, I went to Colombia where I was part of the “Global Day of Prayer” where more than 8000 people joined us onsite to pray for the nations.

 More than 300 souls gave their life to Jesus that night. It was a historic night as we ushered in the next decade of evangelism in Latin America with several prayer networks, pastors, and leaders from all over Colombia. It was such a blessing to pray at the meeting and speak about Pentecost24.

 On Friday while we were praying in Bogota with thousands of believers, people all over South America were hearing the gospel in simultaneous crusades being held all over the region. From Mexico to Argentina the gospel was preached, and the flames of revival were lit in many nations and cities.

COSTA RICA & PERU, Pentecost weekend was probably one of the busiest weekends of our ministry’s trajectory as I hopped from one plane to another. On Friday I was in Bogota Colombia and on Saturday morning, I flew to Costa Rica where I was driven to Perez Zeledon to preach at our gospel crusade there.

During the gospel invasion in the city, more than 8100 souls came to Jesus and more than 12,000 people reached. The biggest outreach happened when the gospel team went to schools and colleges all over the region to preach the gospel. This crusade in Costa Rica was powerful and fruitful as thousands of people heard the gospel. During one of the meetings, the team led the local mayor to the Lord. I thank God for the YWAM team and for our dear friend Ev Pat Coghlan who went before me and preached the gospel with power all over the region for 10 consecutive days. 

After such a powerful time in Costa Rica, I flew on Sunday to Lima Peru, and against the odds I was able to make it to the crusade on time. I left early from the city where we held the crusade the night before and we traveled through the mountainous highway to the airport. I got to Lima on Sunday afternoon and from the airport, I headed to the crusade field. That night I preached the gospel and witnessed a mighty move of the Holy Spirit and hundreds of people came to Jesus. In Lima, we held two gospel crusades on two different sides of the city. It was an amazing weekend where we saw a gospel wave sweeping through the whole continent.

The rest of the continent - Pentecost24 was an initiative of the GO Movement in collaboration with different evangelistic networks and more than 15 evangelists plus several YWAM teams, who joined hands in reaping the harvest. We held more than 14 crusades & campaigns in 8 countries. Revivals were lit up everywhere and many cities were shaken by the news of the gospel. Thousands of students heard the gospel! The gospel was preached on TV, on radio broadcasts, and printed in newspapers reaching hundreds of thousands of people during this evangelistic invasion. Hundreds of creative miracles and countless lives touched by the power of God!

People reached: over 100,000 people (face to face) at schools, crusades, and street outreaches!

Decisions made for Christ: more than 21,000 (decisions reported in crusades and school events)  From schools to stadiums, this gospel was preached with signs and wonders! I am looking forward to seeing a greater move of the Holy Spirit in 2025!

 We are very grateful to all our dear friends and evangelists for joining hands with us to reach this goal! Glory to Jesus!!!! The global harvest season is here, and we must reach everyone with the gospel!

A great wave of revival is about to sweep our planet and a great awakening is about to take place in our world. The harvest is ready and the doors are open!

Alejandro & Rebekah Arias

Evangelists, ICAL members